Simple Steps to SOAR in 2023!

I recognize that research tells us that few of us have goals. Fewer have new year resolutions because, only a small fraction actually make it more than a few weeks before the motivation disappears and the resolutions are forgotten.

New patterns can be difficult to create because they are often operating against old patterns that we have been repeating for years, if not decades.

So why can this year be different?

Because we are going to start by building a small and simple foundation that can be repeated and then expanded.

Simple Steps to SOAR: Self-discovery, Opportunities, Awareness, Results

Start with agreements.

You may use the word belief or intention. I choose agreements because The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz shares with us how agreements can transform our lives.

The agreement I want to share with you today is : It is safe to be me.

Then Self-discover- Use this statement as a choice, an intention, as a journal prompt or as a discussion topic with others. Take some time over the next few days to ponder what “I am safe to be me” means to you. Why is it easy to be you? Hard to be you? How often do you not feel like you can be you, etc.

What Opportunities present themselves?

What comes into your Awareness?

What Results do you notice?

I would love to hear what you discover. Click “Contact Us” and share with me.

2023 is our year to SOAR!!

Intuitive Healing Session: Opening the Pathways to Heal Lyme Disease

Intuitive Healing Session: Opening the Pathways to Heal Lyme Disease

I recently sat down with business mentor and coach Emma Churchman for a live Synergy Activation healing session, and let me tell you, what a powerful experience it was! From the moment Emma connected to the video session, we experienced video feedback and echoing despite restarting and making technical adjustments several times. Emma said, “it could be that there’s a lot of energy moving,” and I couldn’t agree more! We are pretty badass!

If you’re curious about the work I do as an intuitive healer, this live healing session with Emma is a prime example.

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