What is the Creative Spark?

To answer that I have to tell you what “the Spark” is first!

“the Spark” is YOU! It’s that part of you that is purely and unapologetically YOU!

It’s often that part that is hidden behind the armor we have around ourselves to protect us. It’s the scar that we often can’t see on the outside.

As we heal, as we re-discover ourselves, as we let go of baggage, more and more of who we are is truly revealed.

Each and every one of us has it!

The Creative Spark is the energy and intention, the action that we take to allow that spark to grow, creating the momentum for us to fully express and BE who we are. It’s that spark that becomes a flame that can turn into an inferno!

It’s recognizing that there is no one-way for us to heal, grow and transform; that it takes trial and error, getting creative and trying new things.

Essentially it is the permission we give ourselves to keep showing up, keep trying, and the resilience that we create as we do.

It’s the process that we go through each and every day to heal and peel away the layers that are getting in the way.

Being creative and using my intuition has shown me that I tell myself stories that are often not entirely true and that the path to clarity and healing doesn’t always have to have words to be beneficial and informative.

And that it can even be fun.

the Creative Spark IS about BEing YOU!

It’s about:

  • Combining the super power of intuition that each of us has with creativity that has a synergistic impact.

  • BEing safe to discover and rediscover yourself in new and magical ways.

  • connecting and expressing yourself fully.

  • being open to possibilities and new perspectives.

  • healing and letting go.

  • tapping into and/or further developing your intuition.

  • allowing your creativity and confidence with yourself to expand.

the Creative Spark is NOT about:

  • BEing anything other than yourself even if you aren’t entirely sure who that is at times.

  • being an expert or artistic.

  • logical or critical thinking.

  • perfection.

  • liking what you create but loving what you do and who you are.

No matter what story you have been telling yourself,

the Creative Spark within YOU can help you write a new one.


Intuition and Creativity are 2 powerful pathways

to healing and BEing unapologetically ourselves,

guiding us to the answers to all of life’s questions.

Put the two together and you get a synergistic impact toward Optimal Healing!!​

Creativity helps us to open our minds, reduce stress and relax, to think outside the box, to build relationships and

communicate, adapt to change, be productive, improves our mood and self-esteem to name just a few.

Intuition helps us to make better decisions, empowers us, helps us step outside our comfort zone, to access our

subconscious mind, to process more information than our conscious mind can, allows us to see beyond what data can

show us, enhances creativity, discover ourselves, better physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.

Pssst….you don’t even have to believe you are intuitive or creative.