What Is the Creative Spark kit?

It is ONE way to let your Creative Spark shine bright and become a beacon of light!

It is a spiritual process similar to meditation or journaling.

It is a physical practice similar to yoga or walking.

It is a self-healing process to support you stepping out of old patterns, ways of thinking and limitations.

It’s about developing a relationship with yourself through your intuition and creativity that grows deeper over time.

It’s a way to access parts of yourself that you haven’t or don’t consistently.

It’s a way to access you and your inner wisdom when there are no words or words seem to get in the way.

There is something bigger than ourselves, whether it is God, Higher Power, the Universe, our Higher Self, etc. that shares with us what we need, often before we know we need it.

How Does the Creative Spark Kit Work?

It’s an intuitive facilitated process where Dr. Jenn shares guided prompts and instructions.

Add in a One of a Kind Channeled Message, received specifically for YOU and you get a Creative Spark process that is unique to YOU!

The channeled message leads the way on how to move through the Creative Spark process creating a unique experience leading you to new perspectives, possibilities, and opportunities.

This is a DIY process.

Go at your own pace, in 1 or multiple sessions.

Develop a stronger relationship with yourself, your intuition and creativity through the process.

This is NOT For:

  • People who want to create a specific picture or project while getting a buzz like those paint and drink places. Fun, yes but not this.

  • People who want an art class to learn a particular art technique.

  • People who have no interest in self-discovery or self-healing.

  • People who don’t want to experience change and transformation and want to maintain the status quo.

This is For You if You:

  • are a Professional, Entrepreneur, Healer, Creative

  • want to increase confidence and trust within yourself.

  • want to develop a deeper relationship with your intuition and creativity

  • feel drawn for some reason.

  • feel the spark but can’t seem to keep it lit.

  • want new perspectives for yourself and your life journey.

  • want to be unapologetically YOU!

What’s Included in the Creative Spark kit for just $99:

  • Unlimited access to the Creative Spark kit Recorded process

  • Easy to follow instructions in video, audio, and written formats to complete the process at your own pace and as often as you would like.

  • Questionnaire for Dr. Jenn to create your unique experience through intuitive guidance and the supplies chosen specifically for you.

  • Channeled message received for you, to lead you in this process.

  • Fun, Self-discovery, Intuition, Confidence, Creativity, Surprises!


Artistic Ability Required: None to expert. This is NOT an art project but an intuitive and creative one.

Dr Jenn has no professional training or education in painting or any other creative pursuits.

What she does know is intuition: how to access it and trust it.