How Do You Make the Most Out of the Life Changing Moments: Big or Small?

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I call these my “bookmark moments.”

"Bookmark moments" are those seemingly unforgettable instances we want etched into our minds, bodies, and very being.

They're like treasured passages in our books and journals or saved URLs that we intend to revisit regularly that we want easy access to.

To truly harness their impact we must set out with intention, engage all our senses. Document these moments fully in journals, artwork, videos—employ any method to mark the essence of these moments. Immerse yourself in the visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, and intuitive aspects, playing the experience repeatedly in your mind's eye.

It’s why “book mark moments” are more than stick a book mark in a book or sharing a URL to a saved list. It is a full body and BEing sensory experience.

When we do this we are creating neural pathways within our nervous system that allows us to re-experience this moment and other similar moments more easily than we would be able to otherwise.

Sharing these experiences with others can offer fresh perspectives and ignite new ideas.

Additionally, take action to "bookmark" a moment: share it, create a video, journal, or engage in tasks like teaching, learning, or practicing with an accountability partner.

It is these actions, big or small, that have the potential to catalyze profound change and transformation.

Change and transformation really doesn’t take walking on fire or jumping out of a plane.

Interested in activating your moments? Click here for a free activation and to access others.