Do You Have to Walk on Fire to Change Your Life?

No! Because even walking on fire doesn’t mean your life will change.

Not all life changing moments are BIG! Sometimes they can be reading a passage or quote in a book, hearing a movie line, or something you see in the clouds. It could be a random encounter with a stranger or a question that you’re asked that sparks a new thought or perspective.

Looking back at my life I can remember some of those moments that felt BIG, like walking on fire. Some still have a lingering impact while others fizzled, like walking on fire. I felt unstoppable! Until I…stopped or it stopped.

I wonder if these are some of the reasons that those moment don’t translate or manifest into HUGE, life-changing transformations.

  1. We think that transformational moments have to be BIG and don’t give our full attention to the small ones that can have a potentially BIG impact.

  2. We think we can’t possibly “forget” the powerful meaning, inspiration or gut punch from these moments because at the time they seem unforgettable.

  3. The good stuff often does not get our full attention. It gets lost amidst fixing, solving or searching for problems to solve.

  4. We don’t take the opportunity to take action around it and as a result don’t fully integrate it into our nervous system.

What about you? What have you noticed about those transformational moments? Did transformation occur?

If they did, why did they? How do you consistently create transformation to live the life you want to be living?